u know u have been an exchange student in The US

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  • ID: 5322794
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There are certain things only other exchange students understand. Here are just a few examples. You know you are an exchange student if... 1. you know what a S'MORE is. 2.you ever had a CURFEW. 3. you now people that rather stay up late to wait to give you are RIDE HOME, than bare the thought of you walking home alone, even if you only live 2 blocks away. 4. you were ever given a HALLPASS to go to the bathroom. 5. somebody has ever told you that the CREATION STORRY should be taken literally. It's the one and only truth. :-) in six days and stuff... 6. you say "LIKE" and "TOTALLY" every three words. 7. you know that Friday nights are reserved for FOOTBALL/BASKETBALL games. 8. you now think DUBBING movies and TV series should be illegal. Movies are just so much better in their original language. 9. you love WALMART or TARGET 10. you need STARBUCKS every other day. 11. you have a FACEBOOK 12. someone has asked you SILLY QUESTIONS like: "do you have cars in Ukraine?" - "You don't have Halloween , do you have Christmas?" - "How long does it take to DRIVE to Europe?", etc 13. you know that movies that are rated R here because someone is naked or they say the F-word, would be PG in Europe . 14. you prefer bottled water because you don't like the tap water here. 15.you can't top ordering REFILLS because you are so used to them being for free. 16. you know the difference between "TALKING", "DATING", and "GOING OUT", and you know that "going with somebody" doesn't actually mean you are going somewhere. 17. you want to take tests with PENCIL and look for MULTIPLE CHOICE sections on tests. 18. you don't think it's wrong to have cake AND ice cream. 19. you are used to people looking at you in a weird way just because you are WALKING or BIKING to get to places. 20. you went to HOMECOMING and PROM. 21. you PARK as close to the store as possible so you don't have to walk even one yard too far. 22. you GAINED 10 kg staying one year in US doing different kind of sports... and lost them all after getting back to your country without doing anything special 23. you've heard the AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM more than your own 24. you know what you order when you order a T8 at TACO BELL. 25. you prepare your tea in a microwave=) 26. you love PANERA BREAD=) 27. i yakscho tu robuv presentaciyu pro krayiny =) (c) Natasha Kotenko 28. Black Friday YIPPEE =) 29.A eshjo, esli znaesh chto v WALMRTE bankomat vsego-lish 1 dollar komisii snimaet) (c) Владимир Буцукин 30. I eshjo esli vas na kakoj-nit' matematiki, ili himii ili fizike vas nazyvali geniem) (с) Владимир Буцукин 31. а ше якшо ти знаєш шо означає "WTF?".... (what a F****=)))))))) (с) Black Aggie 32. a she yakso vu xoch raz kazalu "FML" (f*** my life) (c) Василина Одноріг 33. after 4 monts in "US you don't want to come back home...because here you feel really good ... you love americans teens :D (с) Cindy Derache if you realized that using credit card is so much better, than now you want to make u one back home. (с) Whats on if you KNOW that certain people try to chat you up just because they love your accent. :) [author Kvitka Krotyuk]:)